Dear All,
原本預定要在9/12晚 上場的演講,因為颱風來插花,所以沒上場,不過先把稿子上傳給大家先睹為快。  確定延期至何時,我會在那之前做好充份的準備,以不辜負Elaine 替為修改的文法、用法。     常在想Eliane 真的是為熱心又有愛心的 會員,即使已經離開台灣,回美國,甚至現在去了韓國,都還是心念著中壢演講會的朋友,真是感動。 每次都主動要求看我的演講稿,要幫我修飾。  真是太感謝了,有位美藉的英文教授幫我修改文法,真是位超級的 mentor.     希望各位member 也可以常與Eliane 保持聯絡,她會很熱心幫各位的。
 我 發現除了文法有很多錯誤外,英文用法還須要多學學英文母語的人。
這麼多年我觀察到,連很多英文母語人士、教授、老師、高階商務人士都非常肯定 Toastmasters 的幫助,也比一般會員投入更多心力在其中,我想真的有它的價值在,
我想勉勵各位朋友,請多多投資時間在這裡,投資在自己身上,有一天你一定會看到不一樣的自己!     何況,我們本來就是彼此幫助,千萬不要怕向任何人求助~
Thank you so much, Elaine.  I will definately make this perfomance as good as possible and let you know later.  best regards from all ChungLi Toastmasters members
----- 轉寄信件 ----
寄件者: 黃世強 Chad <>
收件者: Elaine Reed <>
寄件日期: 2008/9/14(星期日) 下午5:32:19
主 旨: Re: Chad-RE: Speech to be given this Friday.

Dear Elaine,
I appreciate your help so much and I take this as the honor.   With your additions, I would definately perform my duty well in the coming meeting.    Thank you.  
We all miss you.

----- 原始信件 ----
寄件者: Elaine Reed <>
收件者: 黃世強 Chad <>
寄件日期: 2008/9/12(星期五) 下午9:24:08
主 旨: RE: Chad-RE: Speech to be given this Friday.

Hello Chad,
I consider it a privilege to help you with your speech about Jerry.  Thank you.  I got the email that your meeting was postponed due to a typhoon, so you have an extra week to practice.  Best wishes.
My additions are in parenthesis - the underlined words would go away.  You did a great job with this speech.  Let me know how it goes.  A corrected copy follows.  Hope this helps.
Elaine Reed

The Man we respect   2008/9/12


Family members of Mr. Ma, ladies and Gentleman. Today we sit here together on a Saturday morning is for the same thing. (reason) –To memorize (remember) our beloved friend, Jerry Ma and say goodbye to this forever young man.  


Jerry is (was) a man enjoys (who enjoyed) life’s beauty and adds (added) colors to his life.  He is (was) the one teaching us like a mentor, joking with us like a close friend and playing with us like a child. Laughter and wisdom is always accompany (always accompanied him wherever he went)   People enjoy(ed) staying (being)with him.


With 26 years Toastmasters membership since 1980, Jerry has (had) dedicated himself to this organization and successfully helped many clubs to be chartered. (chartered many clubs.)  Not to mentions (mention) how many people are (were) inspired by his encouraging words, which leaded (led) them to a happy life.

No matter what, Jerry is (was) always supportive to members who give (gave) speeches. He always say (said) positive words to encourage them to continue.  However sometimes in his evaluation, he plays (played) a naughty game. We usually follow(ed) the candy theory: KISS, KICK, KISS.  But, he always said KISS, KICK, then KILL. Then, you will see an naughty smile wearing on his face.(would see a naughty smile on his face.)  Then following by everybody’s laughter in whole meeting room.  (That was followed by everyone’s laughter in the whole meeting room.  or   The laughter of everyone in the whole room would follow or Then, everyone in the whole room would laugh)  But, he still can (could) bring it back to the serious part.  Kelly remembers he said: “there is no perfect speech in meetings. The perfect speech only happens on your way home.”  There is always some improvement space (room for improvement) and (it’s) always good to listen to other’s evaluation. In (On) one hand, he encourages (encouraged) you go (to) move forward. On the other hand, he mentioned the spirit of self-reflection.


Serving as A4 Governor from 1989 to 1995, in these 5 years, Jerry has assisted Taoyuan, ChungLi, and Hsinchu clubs to build. Helping many other language’s clubs to be chartered, such as Mandarin, Taiwanese…etc.  (Jerry helped build the Taoyuan, ChungLi and Hsinchu clubs, as well as many other language clubs.)  He said “ he goes  (I go) to Sampo clubs on Monday, Mandarin club on Tuesday, Taiwanese club on Wednesday, Bilingual club on Thursday, and come to Chungli club on Friday.”  And on weekends, he has (went to a) dancing club and bible study class. to go.  He is (was) so busy, but he enjoys (enjoyed) his life.   So people here in Taoyuan area call him “the God Father”.  It is definitely out of the questions. (There is no question about that)


The source of his power and inspiration is (was) his interest to (in) everything. One of our members, Elaine, said “ she remembers how Jerry (was so) interested he was in leaning things because his mind was always open to new ideas.  In (his) upper pocket, he has (had) one small booklet attaching (attached) with one pen which looks (looked) very old from outside. However, the inside keeps a lot of beautiful sentence & words.  (on the inside were a lot of beautiful sentences and words)  Whenever he heard golden words or funny stories, he took off (out) this Treasure Box and put them in.


In school, he encourages (encouraged) students to stand on stage to give presentation(s)  and train(ed) them to evaluate each other.  In daily life, he brings (brought) his friends to Toastmasters club. Because in his mind, to spread happiness in a learning group with everybody is (was) his personal goal. 


We see many (Many) members around Taiwan, including you and me, said we received a lot from Jerry’s concrete supports no matter in (both) actions or by (and) words. And they are (were) shocked and sad to hear this bad news just like you and me today. (just as we are today)  (What bad news?   I know you mean his death, but you don’t mention it)  But, what we shall do is to take over his spirit and spread it over to the circle of our life (lives).  Once (Since) we (have) benefited from others for ages, why don’t we stand up to become the givers? Ladies and Gentlemen, just like what Jerry said in his Inaugural Speech of District Governor in 1998, Toastmasters is a land of opportunity, which is available to everyone. Toastmasters is a door, friendly and open to all individuals.  If in his ages,(If, at his age,) he said (could say) he is (was) the youngest in (the) club, who shall said (can say) he is too old to move and too late to start?  If Jerry can (could) spread out his influential power to so many people and enjoy every minute of his life including the last minute of that in dancing, why couldn’t (can’t) we add more colors in our life (lives) in the same way?  Let us solute (salute) to the (our) forever mentor and follow his spirits. (spirit and example)              Toastmasters.


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