
What Happened at ChungLi Toastmasters Club on Sep 10??? Let's see,,,


It was a Regular Meeting that night. Special thanks our HOT SEAT- James beingThe TME.

Just like what he mentioned about. After 1 year presidency. No fear on the Stage.


Two helper Timer and Ah-Counter were our New Team-慢慢來團體 Kate and Eddie.


The total attendance were 21 people. Including guests Fen, Reggie, Linda, Jason and our big boss-Kevin Lin.

Members including president Iris, IPP James , Eddie, Kate, Allan, Jeff, Bonnie, Julian , Orson, Emily, Louis, Albert, Chad, Diana, Gary and Sunday. We had a great meeting since …



We had a special Induction Ceremony designed by Albert for our new member –Allan.

Allan will be a mentee of Albert in his TM Life.


Joke Session Master Sunday was cold as usual. Especially thanks Kate’s joke about 胖虎 , Gary’s joke about 體重計 and Allan’s sharing. You guys have the sense of humor. Please give yourself a big hands.





So many people moved by Allan’s C1 speech-Ice Breaker. That’s amazing. He has 2 doughters and surving as an expert manger.  Jeff suggested he can cut something but  introduce more about himself.


Our lovely Bonnie has a big progress on delivering C4 speech-Girl’s Best Gift. She definitely attracted the audience’s attention by interacted with most of us. 侯塞利阿! Diana suggested that her tone could be more exciting and add more drama would be great.


Orson, our 常勝軍. 果然一出馬不同凡響.非同小可…A1 speech-The Value of Democracy 再度蟬連 The Best Speaker on that night. 以主播的形式deliver speech. 台上三分鐘.台下十年功.  Louis suggested that he can change his topic but not TM anymore. But the truth was that Orson really had a Bravo perfomance .



If we have The Best Improvement Speaker: The winner must be Ju -Julian.

僅以意氣風發四個字形容.Julian’s performance. Dear Julian,,,,七年的Toastmasters . 你真的沒白來.  Chad discrabed that Julian was Slience speaker- Too kind to be true.



Emily almost drove us crazy while the Table Topics Session was coming.

Do you believe in Pure Friendship Between Men and Women?

It’s good debase conference.

Sunday, Gary, Louis and Albert were the side of believe it. Cause we do believe Pure Friendship between Men and Women.

喝咖啡.純聊天 we do believe it.  


Iris, Linda, Jason and Kevin were totally disagree this kind of friendship.

日久生情and You can’t deny the fire in your heart were their reason for against.

By the way, we love this session very much. No wonder Emily got the Best Session Master .


GE: President Iris was a little busy on that night due to she had assignment with her. But she still sincerely hope that we can have better improvement on the meeting. Such as TME should contact Timer and Ah-Counter. GE should contact each evaluator 3 days before the meeting.



By reading we enrich the mind, by conversation we polish it. Want to enhance your ability of Conversation and Persuasion?

Welcome to join our Meeting on Sep 24. In-House Contest is coming.  





Editor of Set.






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    中壢英語國際演講會 Chungli Toastmasters Club

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