目前分類:Iris (18)

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Dear Toastmasters:


6/24 是2010-2011 Iris這個任期的最後一次例會,我們一樣從各個地方在下班時間排除萬難趕到meeting room,晚上有人要做上台演講,有人要當主持人,雖然心情很緊張,但我們還是期待每次regular meeting,在繁忙的生活裡,這是個充電學習的時間與空間。

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記得去年2010年交接典禮主題: Toastmasters wear many hats,我們以帽會友,然而,Toastmaster是個國際非營利組織,無論我們身在何處,只要有Toastmaster的地方就像是自己另一個家。因次,今年的交接典禮的主題: National Flags 國旗風。

看看大家運用不同國旗展現創意,當天最具創意最吸睛的就屬Albert & Euncie的小虎妹了,這可愛的粉紅國旗帽可是Albert把拔的idea,Euncie麻麻的巧手完成的哦!


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Dear Toastmasters:

5/27 Regular Meeting 我們在中壢 天氣晴 有中壢TMC的地方,都是充滿活力與熱情!!


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Dear Toastmasters:

這次例會我下的標題是"5/13 我們的幸福時光",到底我們有多幸福呢??

跟著Iris搭時光機一起回顧5/13 Chungli club regular meeting...GO

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Dear Toastmasters:


首先要感謝Roger Do臨時代替James擔任Toastmaster of Evining 並且將Toastmasters介紹的很完整

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哪位主持人可以用笑話貫穿全場,勇奪The Best Session Master呢?

哪位演講者貢獻一晚的IPAD給中壢CLUB,拿下The Best Speaker呢?

Iris要請各位土司大師們一同閱讀【Irisㄟ心內話】4/8 Regular meeting笑聲連連

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Picture yourself here! Bring the Toastmaster magazine with you as you travel and pose with it in your exciting surroundings..

In the daily life, I found that The Spirit of Toastmaster is everywhere.

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Prepared speech & table topics contest always been one of the most important events for all Toastmasters club, of course, Chung Li club won't be exception.

Today, Iris would like to share some stories behind the contest with you.

Let's see 【Irisㄟ心內話】Behind the 2011 Div. E contest

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Dear Toastmasters:

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We are the Champions!!                                                                      

Dear Toastmasters:

Congratulations!! Chungli Toastmasters club had a successful in-house contest on Feb.25.

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Dear Toastmasters:

2011 Chungli Toastmasters club 我們有兩個好消息哦!!

第一個是. Our member- Albert的寶貝女兒小虎妹出生囉!! 是一個很可愛的小天使呢...

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20101224 regular meeting (33).JPG 

We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

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goup photo.jpg 


歡迎收看【Iris ㄟ心內話】12/10 Newsletter-來到有賺到!!

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首先,要感謝guests- 來訪第二次的Fay, Jason Ho而且這次還帶了其他的朋友: Ivee, Peggy, Miaoking, Iris Chang, Kelvin

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Dear all:


Irisㄟ心內話】讓大家久等了,距離上禮拜五的meeting已經結束要一個禮拜了,但是當天的尖叫聲跟歡笑聲還是迴盪在耳邊,由此可知我們有個WONDERFUL MEETING.

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Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not ravel both …..

( from Robert Frost )

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 Dear my fellow members:

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