目前分類:Advanced Manuals進階溝通手冊 (8)

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Objective: The speech to inform
Title: What determines the price of oil?


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A13 The Roast- Chad

Toastmasters of the Evening says:  

    Ladies and Gentlemen, today is Albert’s promotion celebration party.  I hope you are enjoyed.  As I know some of you have known Albert for many years, but some of you do not know much about Albert. Let us take this opportunity to see what we shall update about him.  And Chad would like to give some words in this party.  Let us welcome Chad.

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Special Occasion Speech   Project 3 THE ROAST



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         In a farmyard, a Mother Duck sat on her nest. She was waiting for her eggs to hatch. Each day she proudly looked at them. There were six eggs, which meant six little ducklings to teach to swim.

  One sunny spring morning, the first egg began to crack.

  'Tap, tap, tap,' a duckling inside try to get out. Mother Duck watched as the egg cracked open and out popped a fluffy duckling.

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The Start of an Unstoppable Journey-

My first experience in Toastmasters

Six years ago, also on a Friday evening, I took my courage to stepping into a Business Building near SOGO department store in ChungLi. I took the elevator to the 3rd floor and was looking for “丞燕國際股份有限公司”. When the door of the elevator opened, I saw the sign “ChungLi Toastmasters Club” with an arrow. “Bingo. I found it.” I felt so relieved and followed the direction to enter an office. There was a young, tall and handsome man. “對不起,請問這是Toastmasters?” I asked the young man. “Yes. This is ChungLi Toastmasters Club. My name is Albert. Are you a guest?” “我是Amy” “Oh, Amy, nice to meet you.” The man stretched out his hand. I felt uncomfortable but still shook hands with him in a stiff manner. “Amy, the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. Now, we are just preparing the meeting room. Please just wait for a moment.

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Date: Oct. 3, 2008

Title: The man we respect

Speaker: Chad Huang, ACB, CL

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Dear All,
原本預定要在9/12晚 上場的演講,因為颱風來插花,所以沒上場,不過先把稿子上傳給大家先睹為快。  確定延期至何時,我會在那之前做好充份的準備,以不辜負Elaine 替為修改的文法、用法。     常在想Eliane 真的是為熱心又有愛心的 會員,即使已經離開台灣,回美國,甚至現在去了韓國,都還是心念著中壢演講會的朋友,真是感動。 每次都主動要求看我的演講稿,要幫我修飾。  真是太感謝了,有位美藉的英文教授幫我修改文法,真是位超級的 mentor.     希望各位member 也可以常與Eliane 保持聯絡,她會很熱心幫各位的。
 我 發現除了文法有很多錯誤外,英文用法還須要多學學英文母語的人。

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Honorable guests and Fellow toastmasters, good evening.


(Playing music & driving)  That was an early morning around quarter pass 8.  I was driving on my way to my customer’s office.  When you drive on the main street in Saudi Arabia, 80 ~90 kilometer per hour is very slow.  At least I have to step on the power and speed up to 120.   But, if you think I am taking the lead on street, you better take a look at those impatient taxi drivers from the rear mirror.     Their facial expression was like (pretending yielding…etc).  But, I do not have time to slow down my car just for these Pakistan terrorist drivers. .  I got an appointment to meet at 8:30.  So I step on the power to full speed.  I see the speed meter is getting out of control.  120, 125, 130, 134, 136, 140. And I also see the LED digital number on temperature meter is also getting higher and higher, 27, 28 , 29, 30, 31…  At this moment, Arabic signer: Nancy’s uplifted song, playing loudly inside this Honda Civic under 40 degree’s sunshine and mixing up with those taxi driver’s facial dance.   I do not know the heat is coming from the engine or from the wind, or from the Sun, or from my inner body.  I start sweating and I see the time on screen is approaching 8:29.  I turn on the turbo and fly in the wind. I see 135, 137 140, 145, 146… Bang!

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