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The first time to be Acting President, without Amy control, I really felt responsible for the whole meeting -- the pledge sheet of Induction Ceremony, ballots and winner certificates .
You couldn't believe it that we had 14 guests ,almost 30 persons smoothly around the meeting and  Ryan also decided to join Chungli Club. How wonderful.

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【Feedback from Henson】

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Dear members,

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2009年3月22日是Div E第二次舉辦Outing的日子,

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Objective: The speech to inform
Title: What determines the price of oil?


On Sep 15th, 2008, Lehman brothers filed for bankruptcy. That event alarmed the downturn of world economy. Since then different economic crises around the world happened. People suffered from losing big money in investments, salary cut or even worse losing jobs. But there is one good thing happened, the oil price went down sharply.


I am an insurance agent. I have to drive a lot to visit people around Taiwan. The bill of oil for my car has been a big burden for me, especially when the oil price is over $70(US$) per barrel. That high oil price period lasted for 13 months, from Sep 2007 to Sep 2008. During that period, I had to quit my favorite coffee-caramel macchiato(焦糖瑪奇朵) to spare money for the expensive oil bill. Right now, the oil price is below $50 per barrel. I can enjoy having caramel macchiato at my favorite coffee shop StarBucks without worrying about running out of budget.


Dear T/M! The price of oil mattered a lot to my life. I am curious about what determines the price of oil and am going to share some knowledge about that with you.

Traditionally, the oil price is made according to relation of supply to demand.  Supply cut or strong demand will push up oil price.

In the history, the supply cut from oil exporting countries made the price of oil surging, e.g.:

        .Yom Kippur War(以阿戰爭)- Arab Oil Embargo(石油禁運)

The Yom Kippur War(以阿戰爭) started with an attack on Israel by Syria and Egypt in October, 1973. The United States and many countries in the western world showed support for Israel. As a result of this support several Arab oil exporting nations imposed an oil embargo(石油禁運) on the countries supporting Israel. The supply cut pushed oil price from $3 in 1972 to $12 in 1974.

.Iranian revolution and Iran-Iraq(兩伊戰爭) wars  

The Iranian revolution happened in 1979. A new government led by Khomeini(柯梅尼) replaced the old government. The revolution weakened Iran. Then Iran was invaded by Iraq in Sep 1980.

Both Iran and Iraq are the members of OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries).

The combination of the Iranian revolution and the Iran-Iraq War resulted in the oil production cut in both countries. The supply cut caused oil prices to increase from $14 in 1978 to $35 in 1981.

Strong demands will push up oil price, too.  The strong demand for oil from rapid growth in China, India and other emerging economies push up the oil price from 2002 to 2006.

        Now, there is another factor affects the oil price, speculation(投機).

In the past OPEC controlled the oil price, but now the Wall Street determines the oil price.


From the history of world economy, most of the times, we are suffering from inflation. This situation makes us put money in gold, oil and real estate to hedge(避險) against rising inflation. Oil has become a form of investment. People invest their money into oil market, even though they do not have a strong demand for oil.


By purchasing large number of future contracts of oil, speculators push up oil prices.

In the most recent sustained run-up in oil prices, from January 2007 to July 2008, large financial institutions had been pouring billions of dollars into the oil markets to try to take advantage of price changes. The USA economy has been slowing down in that period. The price of oil is supposed to come down, but it doubled in less than two years, from $50 to $140.


The world economy has been suffering from deep recession since the subprime mortgage crisis started in the United States two years ago. Every government is trying very hard to implement different economy stimulus plans . Their major strategies are pouring huge amount of money to stimulate economy. When more and more money are pouring into the market, the inflation will be back. 


Currently, the oil price is around $40 per barrel. But it will bounce back or get even higher when the economy is booming and the rising inflation is a concern again. What is your strategy to deal with another round of run-up in oil prices? Dear T/Ms !


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Dear members and distinguished guests,


Let me announce that the In-house Prepared Speech and Table Topics Contest on March 13th, 2009 was successful.


首先,感謝我們的Treasurer – Sunday為我們準備可口的餐點與飲料,還有她親手切的水果(嗚~人家沒吃到,真是殘念!)










幕後功臣還包括久未露面的Monny擔任我們的Timer,遠從林口分會前來支援的帥哥Sway擔任Vote Counter,最讓我感動的是,我們的PRVP – Julian放棄參賽的權力,盡心盡力擔任Table Topics ContestSAAPhotograher,讓我們的整場比賽有完整的紀錄照片,在這邊,僅獻上個人無限之敬意:感恩啦~(Julian的經典名言出現在Table Topics Contest、第一位參賽者Hua-Hsuan之後的one minute silenceJulian下樓大吼:你們這些三姑六婆喀差不多ㄌㄟ唷,樓上都聽到你們的聲音啦~~






年紀最小的Rex分享和朋友去騎腳踏車的經驗,而一開始痛苦的記憶到後來變成最難忘的回憶,而這群朋友在經歷腳踏車之旅後,友情更是堅定(連上次Rex首次做這個題目的時候,他的車友還特地到場捧場哩),這是對朋友的愛!而Sunday分享的Yuki故事,也是教會我們要珍惜生命,並且善用親情、友情的力量支持身邊周遭正面臨生命低潮的人,這是對生命的愛!Orson”The Script”激勵我們不但要成為自己生命的主角,還要負起擔任製作人(producer)的責任,什麼是我們想過的生活?你想扮演什麼樣的角色?其實,這些決定權都握在我們的手中,我們可以改寫一切自己的劇本…這是Orson談論對自己生命的掌控與對人生無限可能的熱愛!




而第二階段的Table Topics Contest,我們共有九位參賽者耶(略勝林口分會的八位參賽者一籌),首先呢,真的要給這些參賽者拍拍手,因為呢,我自己是在最後一秒從Agenda上刪掉自己的名字(噢,這是當editor的好處),連我自己對於這個比賽都心驚驚,所以你們的勇氣是值得嘉獎與肯定的!連我們已經在天堂上最老資格的God Father – Jerry Ma也曾說過,即使他已經參加Toastmasters到第五年的時候,每次到了Table Topics Session,他就會想要去上個洗手間(尿遁啊~),所以呢,不要懊惱自己講的不夠好,因為這即席的腦力激盪,真的會瞬間讓人腦袋變空、舌頭打結、手心發汗、並殺死許多細胞,所以呢,要成為一個好的Table Topics Speaker是需要時間的練習並累積經驗的!但是,今天你們站在台上,都代表你們挑戰了自己的極限,Step Out the Comfort Zone,勇敢跨出舒適圈,真是不簡單,我要給你們拍拍手~啪啪啪~




我們在學任何東西都是這樣,如果只是坐在家裡聽英語廣播,或是在補習班中聽外籍老師授課,是無法學到如何流暢的使用英語與人溝通的,只有開口去說,不要怕犯錯,才能在經驗中累積實力!而所有Toastmastersassignments都是要我們勇於嘗試、勇敢接下任務,從做中學(Learning by Doing)我們才真正能夠突破自己的現況啊!許多會員會說I am not ready!但是什麼時候才會準備好呢?也許永遠沒有實力準備好的一天,但是如果願意從每一次的會議挑戰一項沒有擔任過的任務,那麼,實力就會慢慢累進,今天我們看到這麼多優秀的先進們,不都是這樣走過來的嗎?!(所以Eddie你就不要繼續SHY了吧?!)


最後,真的感謝許多資深前輩的支援,有你們專業的講評,讓我們能夠更明確更清楚的朝著Be a Better & Effective Speaker的方向前進,這正是我們加入Toastmasters的初衷啊!


無法參加此次例會的會員肯定最大的好奇是:Who is the Winner?結果揭曉:甫參加Toastmasters六個月的歐小森抱走了我們的雙料冠軍!在此恭喜Orson即將再次代表中壢英語演講會出征,也要恭喜所有的參賽者,其實在這一場比賽中,每一個人都是自己Toastmasters Journey中的Winner,參加過比賽、經過實際的歷練,你們一定更知道自己不足的地方在哪裡,應該如何加強與學習(如果還不是很清楚,所有在場的裁判與資深會員都樂於與你討論如何增進自己的演講技巧)!就像我在比賽前說的:Come to be the winner, or Come to be a Learner


最最後,歡迎大家參加3/28()下午在中央大學舉辦的Division E Contest(也就是桃園、中壢及新竹各分會的冠軍齊聚一堂之進階比賽),其可看度肯定是精彩可期!也希望大家一起前往為中壢隊的代表加油喔!(目前已經報名的有Hua-HsuanIris,有興趣的人趕快來信跟我報名喔!)而依照慣例,付費會員之參加費將由會費支出,所以不參加可惜!





Prepared Speech Contest

Champion: Orson Hsu

First Run-Up: Albert Wu

Second Run-Up: Hua-Hsuan Liu


Table Topics Contest

Champion: Orson Hsu

First Run-Up: Sunday Lin

Second Run-Up: Hua-Hsuan Liu


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Cancer is first of the top ten leading causes of death. It also was one of insurance favorite disease. It sounds scared and serious, but my dear member please doesn’t fear. Next, I'm going to introduce you “Origin of the Cancer”


Cancer (medical term: malignant neoplasm) is a class of diseases in which a group of cells display uncontrolled growth (division beyond the normal limits), invasion (intrusion on and destruction of adjacent tissues).


Most of cell at human body don’t continue division and growth. Only when the cell be destroy, like liver and heart cell. In the other hand like hair, nail, skin, they all need to continue division and growth to keep they working normality. Usually Cell division will balance to apoptosis. And they will be strict control to ensure body working right.


Usually Cell division is like this(), The day and the week smooth themselves out in division, Because of DNA saltation so the regular process is change, The cancer cell was born, it look like this(). After that cancer cell will continue division, and they make tissue grow blood capillary to them, so cancer cell obtain more and more nutrition to grow up. When cancer cells are big enough, the division cancer cell invasion adjacent tissue and go to other tissue by blood bus.


The sub- cancer cell in other tissue will control by mother cancer cell secrete restrain factor, they don’t division and grow up, like bear sleep at winter, this is a reason that why cancer cutting surgery is so successfully, but new cancer cell will be find in the patient body just a short time, and new cancer cell grow up faster and bigger, like plant grow up at spring.



It is undeniable that cancer cell is a higher evolution of individual. It is very smart, move quick, a perfect Human killer. Also is a product of Natural Selection by Darwin, but ladies and gentlemen don’t be afraid. In general, the body need many DNA salutation then will make normal cell change to cancer cell, so probability is lower.

I have a dream in the future, we can control cancer cell absolutely make cancer be a history also can achieve Immortal, because body cell can continue division, we don’t old, we don’t die.

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(Captain speaking: ”Dear passengers, we’ll arrive at Beijing airport in 10 minutes, the local temperature outside is minus 12 degrees )

What? Minus 12 degrees? I’ve never experienced that kind of cold weather before. I’m really wondering what it’s like. Because my uncle is running his business in Beijing, I got a second chance to visit Beijing with my family. It’s really convenient that we only spent 3 hours by the direct flight.


Our China Airline flight arrived in Beijing in the afternoon. The Beijing airport is more beautiful than the last time I came. We picked up our baggage and then got into my uncle’s car. The weather was really cold. I could felt my ears almost coming off and my run nose was killing me. At the first night, my uncle told us to do a simple experiment. Just put a cup of water outside, and ten minutes later, an ice cube formed. What a freak cold weather!


Careless as I am, jokes came. Before me arriving in Beijing, our thoughtful PRVP Julian reminded me several times that I should have brought enough clothes, especially jerseys and pantyhose. The funny thing was that I did bring so many pairs of pantyhose, but no any other pants or skirts in my luggage. So I wore the same jeans for ten days. Thank you! Julian, I got such an unforgettable experience.


On the Chinese Lunar New Year’s Eve, there were fireworks everywhere for celebrating. We saw the beautiful fireworks in the dark sky from our house. The great  atmosphere was amazing!


In the following days, my uncle took us to have the tasty lamb pot. It tasted so delicious although I don’t dare to have any lamb in Taiwan. After that, he took us to the ice show, to watch a temple fair. The National Stadium that people called the” Birds Nest” is where the 2008 Olympic was hold.  What a great structure! We also visited the Water Cube” and the” Great Wall” which are the most popular sights in Beijing. It was so touching and satisfying that I could see those beautiful places.


We started our self-help travel while my uncle was starting his own business. Beijing’s transportation was really great. If you take Subway, wherever you go, it cost you only NT10 dollars. It’s really cheap and more convenient than Taiwan.




天安門Square is a great tourist attraction, too. Ex-National President毛澤東’s picture was prominently placed at the front entrance because he still highly esteemed by the Chinese people.


The Palace Museum is behind the 天安門Square. It was so big that we couldn’t see it all within 3 hours. I bet you can’t imagine how big it was if you’ve never been there. It was really a great experience that we saw so many precious antiquities.


My ten days trip to Beijing gave me an unforgettable memory. I think there will be more beautiful things if I came next time. Dear fellow members, I hope that you will be have a chance to visit Beijing too.

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