【Feedback from Henson】
Dear all toastmasters :
It's so great meeting in Chung Li club. I met so much friends come from Div.E. Thanks for your meeting made me grew up a lot. Also thanks for Amy trained us how to be a good TME. I'm waiting for Chung Li club's next interesting meeting .Please reference my club's website to download your photos. Thanks a lot.
【Feedback from Justin】
Dear all toastmasters,
Just like Henson mentioned, it is a very wonderful meeting tonight, I enjoyed a lot and also learned a lot.
I believe this meeting is the greatest meeting in April of whole Division E, which combined many clubs' members.
ChungLi club, LinKo club, TaoYaun club, NCU club, Hsin Chu club... almost half of the Division E.
Thank you so much for all the ChungLi members for providing so high quality meeting.
Thank you so much for all the ChungLi members for providing so high quality meeting.
Here is one thing, I don't know it is good or not, I took lots of pictures in the meeting, and I almost uploaded all of them already.
Such as Henson's album, our Hsin Chu club album is also available to download your photos