Meeting Minutes Keeper: Lin Lin
Overall Stories
It was a successful TM meeting with New Member Introduction on the 31st of July. The meeting theme was Club President. It was not only successfully introducing the assignment takers but also drew a lot of precious opinion for the future development of Chungli Toastmasters Club. There was slight change at meeting. Helen Ding successfully conveyed the Table Topics Session in Variety Session. The topics were also creative and related with the upcoming Father’s Day. Charles Chen, first time Grammarian at TM, suggested use of sentences which can be visualized. Faylinn Su delivered her C1 speech on her day. Orson Hsu who served as GE prepared a special gift for her Ice Breaker, ice beer. Ron Hwang did his first time assignment as an Ah counter, 5 starts performance, well done. Our long-lost friend Terry Lin came to help as Oscar’s IE. Speical guest Rojer Chen , from YZU TM also helped us as Vicky’s IE. Besides, we got visitors : Michael who just moved to Chungli from Taoyuan, Stella from Tainan and working in Guanyin(觀音), Eric , a Chunglider (中壢人) boyfriend of Stella, who are all friends with Oscar, Linda and Derek who have visited the meeting for few times. Finally, all visitor gave positive feedbacks, such as , an interesting place to visit, having a lot of fun, learning precious delivering speech techniques , gaining language skills, etc.
The followings are notes from the speakers:
Table Topic Session
- David, topic: Advice From His Father, his father did not gave him any restriction in his growing process which have given him space to grow as a better man with self-restrain
- Richard, topic: Things He Learned From His Children, it is not easy to impose one’s thoughts on others even they are still very young. Guiding them being energetic and motivated on doing things is his utmost wish to his children.
- Eric, Memorable Moment With The Father, He shared a lot of interesting and sweet memories with his father
Prepared Speech Section and Comments from IEs
(1). -Faylinn, Just Step Out For My Own Life. The speech: She shared the way which she has been brought up , which she considered as a conservative process. However, she has kept the thought of being “crazy” in her mind. Her story animates the members dare to dream.
(2). The evaluation from David: Pro: it contained a good story with positive core value. Con: Nervousness in delivering, and dullness in stating the story are the things that she might need to improve in the future speech.
-Oscar, Be A Smart Listener
(1). The speech: He provided tips on effective communication by sharing his personal experience with his club members, boss and girl friend.
(2). The evaluation from Terry: Pro, confidence, logical structure, and comprehensibility are strong points for his speech. Con, correcting the wrong words, and having no pose between paragraphs
-Vicky, The Supporter, Best And Forever
(1). The speech: She identified her best and forever supporter as God although there have been people loving and supporting her in her growing process.
(2). The evaluation from Rojer: Pro, good structure, body language and vivid in vocal expression were her strong points. Con, using meaningful body language, eye contacts are the things she can work on in her future speech.
-Scott, My Uber Life
(1). The speech: In order to gain his income, Scott has started his Uber life 2 years ago. As a Uber driver, he has found his level of horizontal of life has been expanded. He learned to be a good listener as a Uber driver while a good speaker in the TM
(2). The evaluation from Richard: Pro, attractive opening, comprehensibility are the strong points. Con, he was suggested to show the motion and use vocal variety to make his speech as a vivid one.
- Best Speaker Award Vicky Chang
- Best Table Topics Award Richard Shen
- Best Evaluator Award Rojer Chen
- Most Improved Award David Chang
- Best Session Master Award Orson Hsu