The weather was nice, not too cold, nor too hot. It's a perfect weather for a TM meeting.
Tonight our TME Albert announced that the meeting theme was "simplicity", he brought us a different style of the meeting. He used less than 10 words to introduce every assignment taker, and speaker. We learned that "treasure our words, to be more precise and accurate about what we said.
The first assignment taker was Terry, our PRVP, who hosted the variety session, he played a game in which we should guess the name of a movie, by asking questions to person who stood in the stage, he could only reply "yes", or "no". In the game we found that our president Gary was the youngest, as he knew all the names of animation movies.
The first speaker of the night was Nailing, she shared us about her trip to Beijing by redoing her C3(get to the point) under the speech title "Five Days in Beijing. We felt as if we were there with her. Nailing told us what she had seen and heard in her trip with passionate and sincerity, but also her pictures were full of stories.
The second speaker was Scott Chen, he told us why we should care about politics. It is his C3 speech, speech title "Why Should You Care about Politics?"As politics is not only concerned with everybody, but also affected everybody. He arouse audience' attention by giving examples like "Anit-Black-box of Service Trade Agreement".
The third speaker was Kate, Kate delivered her C6 speech "The Story of Cupid and Psyche". It's a mythology story, a love story between a Roman god Cupid and a beautiful mortal Psyche. It's a story about love and trust. Trust is the fundation of love.
TME Albert showed his love toward Chungli club by funding Chungli club some coins, he challenged audiences to use one word to give feedback to the speakers, if the answer was one word, he donated couple of coins to club fund.
Next session was Table topics session, in this session, table topics master Ilona asked the audience: There's a Genie in the bottle can grant them 6 wishes: the most outstanding wish among them was Eddie's wish. He said that when in his childhood he had to help the works in the rice field, while other kids could play. Therefore, he wished that he could go to Disneyland, when he was little.
The evaluation session was hosted by our friend from YZU club Rojer Chen, he lead James- former division E governor, Jim Chao- next president of YZU and Gary- our president to give feedback to the 3 speakers.
James evaluated Nailing's speech, he enjoyed Nailing's speech, as its very sincere. He hoped that Nailing could tell the audience more stories. James had high expectation toward Nailing, he wished Nailing could continue bringing us more high quality speeches, so that our fellow members could learn more from her.
Jim commented on Scott's speech that his speech brought us the attention that why we should care more about politics. His point/ purpose was clearly expressed. Jim thought it would even better if Scott could give a stronger ending, he could leave a more impressive to the audience.
Gary said Kate was an excellent story teller with vivid body languages, different tones of voices. He especially liked her confidence on the stage. One suggestion for Kate, when she played the different roles, she could use her voice to make a bigger difference between different characters.
Final feedback from GE Rojer, Rojer suggested that Timer and Ah counter could try to memorized the rules. For Nailing, he suggested she could give more eye contacts to the audience, for Scott, pay more attention to time control and he could reorganize it to be a "persuasive speech" in the future.
Closing remark from TME, Albert as a senior member of Chungli club, he worried about the future of Chungli club. He encouraged potential candidates to rise to serve for the fellow members. The candidate will get the full support from not only him but also from all the members.
Trophies of the meeting:
Best table topics speaker: Eddie
Best evaluator: Gary
Best session master: Albert
Best speaker: Kate
words from the president:
How to be a great leader:
1. Learn to be strong but not rude.
2. Learn to be kind but not weak.
3. Learn to be bold but not a bully.
4. You’ve got to learn to be humble but not timid.
5. Be proud but not arrogant.
6. Develop humor without folly.
7. Lastly, deal in realities.
editor: Ilona Chuang