  The first meeting in 2010 was in a freezing night wihch conducted by the most outstanding TM- Louis Fu (可聽過加拿大最著名的露易斯湖?) Have you ever seen the movie "2012" ?  You had better prepare more speaches for delivery due to we still have 2 years to live.(Louis 如是說...博君一笑).
In the begining , we assign the hotest secretary Emily as Joke Session Master, she tried very hard for telling us jokes that she parepared,,,,最精采的是...還沒開始講Emily本人就開始笑到東倒西歪. so the best joke teller 就這ㄇ拱手讓給穩坐Joke King 第一寶座的 teahcer Jeff Tsai 了.....
The meeting尚未進行到一半.高潮馬上就來了...Prepare Speech Session 本次邀請到兩王一后-President James Lee(C6: Why people close their eyes when they kiss?), Following president Julian Lee(A2: TM housekeeper ) Eunice(C2-What did I learn) ..身為看倌的我們是聽的如痴如醉ㄚ! 正當筆者在回憶我的初吻時. the best speaker James 也爲本篇speech下了完美註解....When you kiss, just enjoy the kiss and save the time.
冠王Albert as Table Topics Master this time,,富創意又考驗大家機智的 impromptu speech果真贏得滿堂采.接續豋場的  guest Sylvia, Jeff, our friend forever Jade and Henson , both them were good at making story, wow, we also felt 心跳加速 while they speaking.
Judge Team conduted by 史上最感性婚禮的新郎得主-Chad 率領旗下 Jade, Henson and 史上最感性婚禮的新娘得主Amy 共同provided their feedbacks to all speaker.
Thanks for coming Sylvia, having your support, our meeting became warmer. ><
What's more , just come to visit us on Jan 22, 2010,,,,see you all,,
Happy new year  ..
ChungLi TM

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