
Happy Chinese New Year!

Hey hey! What a good news for us that We have a new blood-beautiful kate Tsai(掌聲加尖叫). It’s a good beginning of the year of Tiger! YA! Let’s welcome her ><


On Friday.Feb, 26. 2010, A funny and full of laughing meeting has made in Chung-Li TM. The joke king teacher Jeff Tsai 獻出了他的第一次. That was being the TME .在其幽默輕鬆介紹下以及each member互道恭喜後展開了年後的first meeting. It was so exciting.


Our Varity Session Mastershining star Orson,備了很多interesting questions and sweet chocolates,回答對的members,人人有獎! 最美麗的人妻Amy回答了三次,終於得到了她的最愛(此時此刻指的是chocolate不是Chad喔!)


Let’s highlight the prepare speech session: 圓圓的大嬸”katie 拿個紅包袋給 Eunice 做為speech的開場, 沒料到lovely Eunice answered “no money in it” 引起哄堂大笑! 甜姐兒Iris以自身的體驗,告訴我們magic power is form the heart. Yes, Iris! 加油! 我們在妳身上看見了滿滿的衝勁! 少女殺手Albert告訴我們要做任何事, Attitude is the most important thing(好書推薦:態度決定你的高度).要樂在工作,精彩的speech讓大家聽的意猶未盡!續篇續篇!


Wonderful February有二位偉大的壽星

226-Iris Happy Birthday dear Iris and

227-Orson Happy Birthday dear Orson .

貼心的Henson特別準備了精緻的禮物-red underwear,當場穿在Orson身上,實在太太太帥了……………哈哈哈!



史上最感性婚禮的新郎得主-帥哥Chad was the Table Topics Master, 富有創意的問題考驗大家機智,

而Eunice professional 的表現也讓我們著實嚇了一跳,實在太精彩了!

咱門火辣的secretary Emily personal coach-James, 想必Albert 也是教導有方喔!

Eunice really proving a lot. Go on ><


How about Evaluator Team? 由好人緣的陽光男人Henson,最適合當爸爸.老公的男人Julian

以及全國最認真最美麗的人妻Amy組成, all speakers提出犀利.精闢的suggestion! 讓我們學到不少.

Being Toastmaster 就是這ㄇ幸福.


年後的first meeting 在歡笑聲度過,大家不要忘了下次的In house contest!



敬請鎖定Friday night , March, 12, 2010

Here comes our In-house Contest….



Month editor:

辣媽Katie Sung


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