The Start of an Unstoppable Journey-

My first experience in Toastmasters

Six years ago, also on a Friday evening, I took my courage to stepping into a Business Building near SOGO department store in ChungLi. I took the elevator to the 3rd floor and was looking for “丞燕國際股份有限公司”. When the door of the elevator opened, I saw the sign “ChungLi Toastmasters Club” with an arrow. “Bingo. I found it.” I felt so relieved and followed the direction to enter an office. There was a young, tall and handsome man. “對不起,請問這是Toastmasters?” I asked the young man. “Yes. This is ChungLi Toastmasters Club. My name is Albert. Are you a guest?” “我是Amy” “Oh, Amy, nice to meet you.” The man stretched out his hand. I felt uncomfortable but still shook hands with him in a stiff manner. “Amy, the meeting will start at 7:00 p.m. Now, we are just preparing the meeting room. Please just wait for a moment.

Just few weeks ago of that evening, I googled “learning English” and found ”Toastmasters”. What captured my attention was that it said it’s a non-profit organization for learning communication and leadership skills as well as improving English speaking ability! At that time, I thought “non-profit” equaled to “free”. Therefore, I decided to visit a club in ChungLi. But when I discovered that the meeting place was located in “丞燕國際股份有限公司” -- -- a direct sales company, I felt hesitated about my decision. Think about it. Why a non-profit organization holds its meeting in a direct sales company?

Even though there were so many doubts and question marks in my mind. I still want to take a look at Toastmasters. On one hand, I was so curious about what “Toastmasters” is; on the other hand, I was also worried about my safety in this strange place. Is this a trap? Is this a con game?

When I wait for the meeting, I wondered what if they persuade me to buy any products? What if they ask me to sign any paper, or invite me to join their company and become their agent, what should I do? When I imagined all kinds of scenarios in my brain, the meeting room was set up. They invited me to have a seat. As smart as I am, I picked a seat, which was closer to the door. I planned if I feel the atmosphere is not right, I can leave the meeting room at any time.

When Time approached to 7:00 p.m., more people came into the meeting room. They shook hands with each other naturally, and talked to each other in English fluently. In fact, when I watched their interaction, I was overwhelmed by complicated feelings and thoughts, such as strange, uncomfortable, curiosity and expectation.

Finally, the meeting started. A man called everyone to stand up and put their hands on their chests and read out the vow. Read out the vow? It was kind of like attending a religious or political gathering. My fear was growing once again. And I hesitated to leave or to stay, to leave or to stay, to leave or it’s too late.

After the vow, a charming lady Sophia Lin conducted the meeting and everything proceeded as planned. With the meeting going on, my worries and fears were replaced by surprise. The meeting was different from what I imagined. It was alive with laughters and claps. What impressed me the most was that almost everyone could speak English very well. I almost can’t believe that this is what happened in Taiwan.

Tell the truth, at that time, my English was very poor. Before attending the meeting, I told myslef, to avoid acting like a fool, I must follow the golden rule that is “do what other people do” in case I don’t understand what they are talking about. So, when everyone laughed, I laughed, too. When everyone clapped, I clapped, too. Even I didn’t know what they laughed at or why they clapped for. I just followed. And this golden rule really worked. It made me safe in the whole meeting.

Until the table topics master called my name, the nightmare came to me. The master invited me to say something about a topic. However, I even didn’t understand what her question was. At that moment, my brain went blank, and my tongue was twisted. I didn’t know what to say. All members stared at me and nothing left. Few seconds later, I found my only answer, “I don’t know.” And my face turned from white to red to green to white to pale. I was so embarrassed at the moment.

It seemed to be a torture to me in the rest of the meeting. “I don’t know.” The three words repeated themselves again and again, over and over in my mind. When the meeting came to an end, I rushed home even without saying Goodbye to anyone.

Time flies. Six years passed and when I recall those memories, the images are still vivid and look like what happened just yesterday. The first visit to a Toastmasters club was an unforgettable experience, and it also brought me to start a journey that never ends. Dear fellow members and distinguished guests, did you still remember your first impression of Toastmasters?

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Ladies and gentlemen, my name is James Lee.  It’s wonderful to be here.  I’m glad to deliver my C1 speech tonight and share my life with you.

        In 1984, I was born in the middle of Taiwan, 南投.  I have one father and one mother just like you.  I also have a younger sister.  She is a reporter of ERA news.  When I was an 8-year-old boy, something happened.  Can you image that I was a skinny boy?  Don’t tell me the answer, thanks.  Because I fell in love with the fried rice, I became fatter.  Now, I am going to use some pictures and document to share my story with you.

        After graduating from elementary school, I enter the Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School and Chinese Air Force Academy.  Yes, I was a cadet.  Do you know what military life is?  Every day, I get up at 5:30, early roll call, eat breakfast, study, lunch, study, exercise, take a shower, dinner, study , night roll call and go to bed at 10 0’clock.  The most important thing is “No girl in school.”  What a boring life!  I really envy the same generation who study in normal school.  But I still have to say that military life taught me a lot.  I did learn something special during these 9 years.  I know how to have a regular and disciplined life.  I know how to show your respect to your teacher, superior and classmates.  I also became a muscleman.  I know I am not in a good shape now.  I’ve already quit from there for 4 years.

        When I was a junior student in air force academy, I found that I’m not interested in electronic engineering anymore.  I believed that if you want to be rich, you have to learn something about business.  At that time, everyone thought I was crazy.  I just need to stay there for one more year; I would become a second lieutenant of air force with $40,000 month salary.  But I still insist on quitting.  I participated in the College Entrance Examination in 2005 and enrolled the Business College of Chung Yuan Christian University.

        OK.  It’s my history.  Now I am going say why I am here.  As you know, English is so important for everyone.  We have to learn English.  But the question is “How?”  Read English news paper?  Make me sleepy.  Try to memorize all the vocabulary in dictionary?  It’s mission impossible.  In my opinion, there are 2 ways to improve the English skills.  The first way is to live in an English environment.  I went to Yellowstone National Park last summer.  After the trip, my TOEIC score increase 150 points.  And I also got the 3rd prize in English speech contest.  In fact, it was my third time join the contest.  I failed twice in final round in past 2 years, in the part of impromptu speech.  It really helped a lot.  The second way, of course, join the toastmaster club.  These are my record: speech marathon, evaluation speaker and speech contest.  I know I am a lazy guy in studying English.  But I don’t want to bring shame on myself.  All I have to do is to sign up the activity first and I will prepare for it.  So, if you want to improve your English, just tell our EVP that you want to deliver a speech.        The last but not the least, I like music and I am a French horn player.  I care about the public welfare and I joined the 30 Hour Famine.  I want to be your friend and I am here.  I hope the Chung Li toastmaster club will become better and better.

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    歡迎new member-James,想不想讓大家更認識你呢??(一定要說:!!)

    還有Jade的新封號:中壢club的說故事姊姊,這次帶來的The Ugly DuckingJade說故事的聲音很柔和很舒服,讓我想起小時候聽童話故事的回憶。還有還有,Amy加入Toastmasters的故事,我覺得百聽不厭耶~~當我聽到你在Toastmasters成長的故事,會讓我激起動力要和你學習~~


    這禮拜的meeting有生力軍-JamesIce Breaker,還有Jade說好聽的童話故事,也有Amy分享與Toastmaster的故事,將不可能的任務化為可能





Thank you in advance.

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首先,是我們的聚會地點搬家了!我們搬到"凡是美藝廊"二樓的會議室,寬敞整潔的會議室,有白板、投影機、麥克風和飲水機及冷氣,所以可以提供會員們一個安靜而舒適的開會環境!繼上一次In-House Contest的人山人海之後,這一次的Full House也為我們帶來新的氣象!首先是三個new-born members加入這個大家庭:James Lee、Winnie Lin(兩位皆是中原大學學生)還有Katie Sung(服務於長榮集團)。很高興我們邀請到Div E的大家長及"Servant" —— Brother Leo擔任Induction Master為我們主持新會員入會儀式,讓Leo inducted真好,還有純度高達63%的巧克力當為入會禮!希望這三位新會員可以在中壢英語演講會嚐到又苦又甜的美好滋味!

而我們的新會員James在剛入會的第一次meeting馬上做了ice breaker speech,真是太猛了,值得給他拍拍手!尤其他準備了照片來介紹他的成長歷程,這可是我頭一回看到有人第一次上台就使用投影片的喔!加上Brad、Chad和我看到James都會覺得他好像Fred Pan,一位非常優秀的Toastmasters(畢業於中央大學、海洋大學碩士,曾拿下全國演講比賽前三名),我相信,James也將成為一顆閃閃發光的星!而且James長的帥帥的又帶有親切的笑容,很想讓我幫他加上一個綽號:詹姆士龐得,理由是:James在愛上Fried Rice之後就變成James"胖的"……只是一個小小玩笑,希望James不要在意喔!

第二個Speaker是我們的前會長Jade,Jade這次為我們帶來"The Folk Tale"醜小鴨的故事!事後大家討論,都覺得Jade這次speech做得很成功,很有Story Teller的架勢,而這也為Jade首次帶來"The Best Speaker"的榮耀!真是恭喜Jade,終於出頭天啦!而且現在失業席捲全球,我們相信Jade可以有個副業選擇:當說故事的大姐姐,應該會擄獲小朋友的心吧!

最後一個speaker就是我本人,這次"Let's Get Personal"的project,我為大家帶來我第一次參加Toastmasters的經驗分享!"Toastmasters"雖然是個最沒有創意的話題,但是在Toastmasters的點點滴滴總是讓我百講不厭,哈哈~可能坐在底下的觀眾比較可憐吧,必須老是聽我講古!不過呢,這次speech我可是有稍稍注意收斂我自己講話的音量及不要有過多的手勢,雖然還不是很完美,不過有稍許進步,我自己也覺得很開心!

而在中場過後的Table Topics Session,我們的台柱Orson為我們帶來"Be Honest":他準備了兩個盤子,一個放情境籤,一個放對象籤,所以每個speaker必須各從盤子中抽一個籤,配對後針對情境與對象,說出內心的真心話,例如:如果你的父母在你面前放屁,你想對他們說什麼?或是,如果你和你好朋友一起買的樂透中頭獎,但是你朋友告訴你他把獎券弄丟了,你又會如何回應?……我只能說Orson充滿創意的題目為整個會議帶來更多的笑聲與歡樂!雖然Tbale Topics Session曾是我的惡夢,但是我現在倒是很喜歡這個session,因為它可以刺激我們的創意,如何在短時間內想出一個具有創意又能hit the point的答案,可就考驗大家的思考力囉!所以啊,我在這邊真的要呼籲大家,多多舉手自願哪~

最後由Jamie為我們主持的General Evaluation為大家帶來充滿教育與學習的回饋時間!首先是來自桃園的老朋友——Lola臨時成為我們的fire fighter,為James進行講評!Lola不改她一貫堅持的價值:要在三分鐘內給speaker全世界,所以充分利用時間做了完整的回饋,尤其Lola談到了一點很重要喔,就是大家可以先不要急著使用投影片來做為輔助工具,因為在C6的時候就會學到如何善用Visual Aids來幫助你的演講更成功;但在這之間,大家可以好好的注重在內容上、演講技巧上,循序漸進,打好馬步,以後才站的穩!


最後是始終屬於大師級的講評——God Brother - Louis。對我來說,我目前有兩個無法克服的瓶頸,一個就是Louis,一個就是(暫時保密)。針對這兩人,我真是既敬畏又害怕,相信聽過Louis講評的人都知道他可是3K成員之一:Kiss、Kick and KILL。我因為看過太多人被Louis宰了,而心生戒慎恐懼之感,我想一定要有很強的心臟,才能有勇氣接受Louis的講評(不過不可否認的,他的講評雖然有時候血淋淋的令人替speaker感到慘不忍睹,但其實Louis都是真正講到痛處,所以可以被他講評的講者,在另一方面來說,也是大有收穫的)!

也許是因為我在會議之前,已經先寫信過去"拜碼頭"了,所以獲得Louis手下留情的免死金牌一枚,但是,這一次我真的很認真用心的在聽Louis的講評,終於發現Louis為什麼每次都可以把evaluation做的如此出神入化的成功,其秘訣就在於……跳脫講評演講內容的技巧,提升到講評者的心理狀態或是靈感緣由……(這就是為什麼我分享參加Toastmasters第一次的經驗,卻能被Louis連結到A bitter experience becomes a sweet memory...)如果看不懂這幾句話的觀眾,我也只能說抱歉,因為我也無法使用更確切的句子來形容,所謂"只能意會,不能言傳",想要知道Louis的真功夫,只有到場聆聽一途囉!  



1. 桃園分會將於10/31於大興西路上的諾亞方舟舉辦Holloween Party,這是桃園的傳統,於第五個Friday舉辦Night Fever,有晚餐、歡唱與熱舞,歡迎大家參加!

2. 11/15 & 16,全國秋季大賽將於台中舉行,這是一年一度看見最優秀的Toastmasters的最佳機會,目前我們的club之花--Sunday已經報名了,Chad和我也預計參加,所以有興趣的人請盡快報名,會費贊助一半費用喔!


我們的資深會員Eva Lu要回來囉!而且呢,她在11/14要擔任Language Evaluator,許多新會員一定不知道什麼是Language Evaluation,我只能說這是最棒的學習機會,the Language Evaluator 會挑出在會議中大家發言時,文法、發音、句型結構有問題的地方,所以是真正能夠改善我們用英語溝通的教育訓練時間,期待嗎?那就千萬不要錯過我們club最夠資格擔任Language Evaluator的Eva的語言講評時間!而且呢,Louis已經答應要擔任下次會議的General Evaluation,相信這兩位"國寶級"的大咖可以給我們帶來寶貴的建議!


如果有的話,記得要把每個月的第二週與第四週禮拜五晚上留給Toastmasters與自己喔!就像本週Toastmasters of the Evening -- Brad開場白所言,Toastmasters是最不會虧本的投資,你善用機會了嗎?

The Best Joke Teller: Leo Wang

The Best Speaker: Jade Wong

The Best Table Topics Teller: Amy Shen

The Best Evaluator: Louis Fu

The Best Session Master: Orson Hsu



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Dear Orson and Sunday,
 What I would say is that you are really our heros.  We are so proud of you.

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各位members & guests,
在我們的God Brother - Louis極力推薦下,

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Dearest 兄弟姊妹們:

                真的好謝謝大家的支持與鼓勵!! 首先謝謝Amy, Chad, Albert, HH, Julian and Sunday的獻策, 沒有大家努力的腦力激盪, 演講內容即無法如此精彩, 尤其那種團結討論的感覺真的很棒。


要感謝的人真的有好多好多, 在過去幾個禮拜內也有一些深刻的感觸, 在此跟大家分享!


特別感謝Amy>> 自從我結束C1 的演講後, Amy即一直鼓勵我參加Humorous Speech, 我心裡想這會長瘋了嗎? 要一個才加入兩個多月的Rookie 參加比賽, 我剛開始先拒絕了Amy 真的不死心喔, 每次看到我都要我 報名參加”, 接下來聊天當中又提到 報名參加”, 大家聚會結束後回家前還是一句 報名參加”…….哈哈, 想起來也覺得很有意思, 還差點不敢跟Amy講話了 >> Amy, 謝謝妳不斷地勉力, 這將是我人生中很棒的嘗試之一!


特別感謝Chad ,Albert, HH>> 這當中, Chad and Albert 不斷地提醒我比賽的注意事項, 規則細節以及他們的經驗分享, 真的很受用! 比賽過程中的壓力是種煎熬,但好在當天有Chad這位輔導老師, 不斷地幫Sunday及我作心理輔導, 「平常心平常心平常心….不論結果如何, 這都只是個過程, 未來還有很長的路要走」。 這種過程總是深刻, 一旦熬過了就是屬於你的!


特別感謝Julian >> 由於演講中的內容,有安排Sunday與我的跳舞的橋段, 但完全不確定是否符合比賽的規定, 好在熱心的Julian特別幫我們去問評分標準, 得到的答案是 >> Julian: Orson你放心, 我剛剛問過了, Sunday跟妳跳舞就像你演講中所使用的一個輔助工具, 不會影響評分, 你們就放心好好的跳吧!!」挖~ Julian真有你的, 讓我們無後顧之憂不斷的練習跳舞; 果然這橋段備受好評喔當然不是因為跳舞跳得好, Sunday這「工具」也太棒了, 一整個有加分到!     


特別感謝 Sunday >> 除了加持演講的精彩度外, 比賽前的練習不講可能大家不知道。當我在中原操場背著小蜜蜂練習演講時, 有一位女師姐 >> 「不行, 你剛那理念錯了重來!! 天阿 剛剛那段最經典的一句話你漏掉了你先去跑操場, 回來再給你一次機會重來!! ~我剛剛忘了計時重來!! ~ 不對不對..重來!!」就這樣被旁人誤以為是兩個自得其樂的瘋子, 換回了再熟悉不過的演講內容, 也換回了更多的信心! (被這麼多人當瘋子都不怕了, 哪還怕台下的觀眾跟評審阿~ )   


特別感謝其它Club的夥伴 Henson, Ann, Josh, Sunny…many>> in-house contest 結束後, 給予更多不同的建議及ideas, 讓整體內容的結構更加完整。他們真的很捧場, 每次我要演講前, 看到他們在台下就像是笑聲的保證我常在想, 奇怪勒, 有時候我只是一個動作都還沒講話就開始笑, 到底是因為我是諧星好笑, 還是演講內容真的有這麼好笑….不重要啦, 總之大家覺得開心好笑, 自己越講當然也就越起勁了!


特別感謝所有中壢Club的會員>> 我真的很榮幸成為中壢分會的一個成員, 雖然我們不是最大, 但是我們有家的感覺! 雖然我們不是最好, 但我們彼此互相勉勵! 雖然這次沒能第一, 但也一吐悶了許久的悶氣! 總之我好想大聲說, 這第二名的榮耀不是Orson, 是屬於中壢分會大家的。我以身為中壢分會的會員感到光榮! 


小插曲 >>你如果問我得名感覺如何? 我可以告訴你, 真他X !當大家都在慶祝得名喜悅之時, 忽然有一個聲音出現….Orson 你真的很棒, 大家都對你很肯定, 但我不會再讚美你了, 因為這樣只會讓你變得驕傲」….., 就爽一個晚上吧, 未來的路還很長, 獎盃獎狀可以收起來了。 下次meeting幾號? 10/24是吧?..ok, 我要負責Table Topic…開始準備吧!!..... 


充滿無限感激的Orson +

中壢英語演講會 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

本會新入會會員Orson Hsu在參加中壢英語演講會僅三個月的資歷,先是勇奪in-house contest幽默演講比賽第一名,並於昨日代表中壢英語演講會到新竹清華大學參加Div E(桃竹苗地區)的比賽,在美女師姐Sunday日夜鞭策下(據說,兩人於中原大學苦練,凡是Orson漏了一句話一個字,馬上罰跑操場一圈),甚至在比賽前晚,Orson在公園裡拿著麥克風做最後的rehearsal時,還因為形跡可疑、影響公園附近居家安寧,還引來管區的關切眼神……最後終於,皇天不負苦心人,勇奪第二名(雖然是有跌破一些人的眼鏡……因為我們都覺得Orson應該穩拿冠軍寶座)!

中壢英語演講會 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dear members: 10月8號我和amy參加龍華科大club的創會meeting,Julia 真的很努力讓這個會運作起來,而且龍華校方也非常支持,不論是場地或經費上;主要的流程都在照片裡面,其中裡面的L.E L.J.Lamb講了很多有關辭句需修改的地方,讓我收獲良多。目前我們club在中原的場地始終都不固定,希望住中壢的會員知道家裡附近有合適的場地的話,可以提出來,要收費也可以,講到這就很羨慕龍華club的資源。 Julian Lee

中壢英語演講會 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


中壢英語演講會 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()