
August 14 2015 Regular meeting minutes:

Meeting Minutes Keeper: Kate Chiu


        This was a meeting full of surprises! First, there were three outstanding gentlemen delivering their speeches. Each of them shared their own stories with us. One was David sharing his life as a graduate student and the path to finding a true leader. Another was Gary sharing the tips of forming a new habit. The other was Richard shared his tough childhood, changeling working experiences and the brand new life as a boss. Second, the super VIP Mike Yang, the former district director, joined our meeting and shared his experiences with us. Third, the most interesting variety session that Helen brought was “acting out.” She prepared the fresh lemon juice for the game. And guess who drinks the juice? Forth, the evaluator Albert held a special ceremony for Richard to celebrate his C10 speeches achievement. Fifth, Michael, Linda and Sally became our new members tonight. Welcome to join Chungli big family!

         Oscar was the Toastmaster of Evening tonight. It might be his second time to take this role but he did a wonderful job! Mike even praised him for his professional performance. Each speaker sparkled with individual core value. David found a true leader will lead us by his/her examples just like toastmasters do. Gary reminded us “Let’s dream big but start small.” Richard encouraged us to create our own stories. Next, our senior old friend Julian held the table topics session by debating a question: Do you believe in positive thinking? Yes or no?

Last but not least, our strong evaluator teams gave us practical feedbacks. The grammarian Kate told the difference between lemon juice and lemonade. Nailing, David’s evaluator, marveled at his improvement and suggested him slow down the pace when it is necessary. Scott Wen, Gary’s evaluator, praised for the useful method of developing the habit and encouraged him to deliver more wonderful speeches with us. Albert, Richard’s evaluator, held a wedding ceremony for him symboling his commitment to Toastmasters club. What a clever way to celebrate Richard’s achievement! People in the meeting room all laughed out loud for it. Finally, our heavy-weight GE, Mike, said he really enjoyed this high-quality meeting. And he suggested we not only count the ahs but also count the has.(How many times people laugh because of the speaker? We call it “ha.”)  The fruitful meeting ended at 9:25 pm. Tonight we brought a lot of food of thoughts back home!


The most improved member: David Chang

The best session master: Mike Yang

The best table topics speaker: Vicky Chang

The best evaluator: Albert Wu

The best speaker: Richard Shen


    創作者 中壢英語演講會 的頭像

    中壢英語國際演講會 Chungli Toastmasters Club

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