It was cold, drizzling. And it's Valentine's Day and Lantern Festival. A group of passionate Toastmasters, we, Chungli Toastmasters Club were having an unusual regular meeting.
Our EVP managed to produce a "creative" agenda with an unusual TM meeting style. It was a super relax dinner meeting. In this BIG day, we managed to have fun, to have foods on the table, while we were able to learn something.
First of all, we set the table into rectangle shape, attendees sit around it. Then it began our meeting. In this special meeting we had only timer, no Ah counter. We had the honor that Div. E governor Emily served as a Timer for us. The three speakers delivered 2-3 minute speech each. Tonight's TME was Ilona. After TME brief introducing the agenda, Griffy used a word guessing game to test our vocabularies. After this game, we knew that we had better to pay more attention to spelling.
Later, first speaker was Alan, he shared us the story about how a kind act of his 2 colleagues, from a bad day into a good day. Everything went wrong on that day, until he got off the work at the evening. His 2 male colleagues gave him a ride to the parking lot, it was raining, and it’s kind of far away to walk to the parking lot. The two colleagues were riding in a small scooter. After he went home, he smiled. TME Ilona teased Alan, saying he’s happy because of joining the ride with the other 2 big and tall guys in a small scooter! Ha-ha.
Next speaker was Jason, our “devoted” MVP. He shared us about the conversation between he and his girlfriend. After hearing his story we felt that we were lucky to have such a “devoted” MVP. Because the day before the meeting, his girlfriend asked him what day was today, guess what Jason replied, tomorrow is Friday; it’s the day for Toastmasters. He had no idea that today our meeting day was not only a Friday, Lantern Festival, but also a Valentine’s Day. Well, the audiences were so touched that Jason put Toastmasters club in his first priority, but in the meantime, they were worried for him his love life.
The third speaker was Scott Wen, who shared with us about his experience in the USA, which was unusual to Taiwanese who used to live in Subtropical. In the winter time, sometimes, the temperature went down to -20 degree C, everyday he needed to use a special chemical spray cleaner to clean the ice in front of his car windshield. The roads were frozen, people drove very slowly, and it would be wise not to laugh other cars for their slippery. You would be slippery too when you drove over the same place, he said, the experience was unique, and once in a life time was good enough. Wow, what a funny and dangerous experience.
After a short break, Eddie, our IPP hosted a special Table Topics Session, which last 40 minutes, usually our Table Topics Session was 15 minutes. Eddie hosted this session successfully, in this session everybody got the chance to speak. First part was “role play”: Gary was the angry boss of Scott Chen, who was caught red-handed that he was late entering to the office and encounter boss Gary; Scott Wen had dialogue with gangster Julian, because he owed a lot of money to Julian. Kate met super star Tom Cruise(Alan) in the elevator, Kate’s mission was to get Alan’s phone number. Ivy our guest participated the activity too, her mission was to purpose to Scott Chen in the Valentine’s Day. (ps. She’s glad that she’s 18 again.) Next two were Julia and Jason. Mother Julia tried to get her 15-year-old son Jason to get off the video game to buy some groceries for her; the last duo were Julian and Linling. Julian was breaking in an apartment while he was about to getting out of the apartment, he ran into the owner Linling. The audience laughed along with those role plays went on.
At the second part, Eddie said Toastmaster changes his life completely, he gained a lot of friends, his role model was Chad. He showed Eddie his passion toward Toastmasters. Eddie gave us the chance to express our feelings about Toastmasters club. He asked us questions like: "Why we join Toastmasters club?" "Who were the role models?" "What did we get from Toastmasters club? "How Toastmasters club changed our life?" and "What do we expect in another 2~3 years?" Ilona, Gary, Kate, Alan, Emily responded one of his question respectively. What a remarkable Table Topics Session. (P.s. If you want to know their answers to these questions. Join us in next meeting, you can ask them personally. )
Gary was the only evaluator we had tonight. He said he didn't expect so many people would join tonight's meeting. It was a warm and a ver unique meeting. Hence, he's kind. He encouraged all the assignment takers to keep going.
Closing remark from TME, Ilona congratulated to all the participates, for they've proved themselves that they are indeed a hardheaded Toastmasters.
Our guest Ivy seemed enjoying the meeting very well, she was especially impressed by the Table Topics Session. President Gary reminded attendees the officer training of next day. He also encouraged all the participants to be a contestant in the in-house contest on Feb. 27. ( 2/28 is national holiday, thus we held the event one day earlier.)
Words from President: "What you think and what you believe determines your success or failure."
editor: Ilona