
Hi, dear fellow members and friends, 


Long time no see since last meeting was cancelled by typhoon 

issue.  so now, I can't wait to see all of you, my friends!!


As usual, we try to arrange the most splendid agenda to catch 

everyone' s attention!!

Our formal President Emily Chan will conduct the meeting to 

serve as Toastmaster of the Evening, 


It's our pleasure to invite Shiela to bring us an interesting game

for warming up the meeting. 

About the main dish " Prepared Speech session", we have the 

"中壢男人幫" to show their great performance on the stage:

Alan Chiang, C5 speech (project: Your body speaks)

Ellis Fu, C8 speech(Project: Get comfortable with visual Aids)

Albert Wu, A18 speech (advanced speech!! wow!!)


After intermission, our lovely & pretty girl Sunday Lin will give us 

the Table topic session, I'm interested in her questions 


And than, the most valuable session : General Evaluation session will 

be conduct by Our Div. E governor James Lee. He will lead the strong

evaluation team to give the feedback for speakers and audience, 

we can learn a lot from individual Evaluators:


Lola Jan from Taoyuan club  (for Alan's speech) 

Julia Chen from YZU club (for Ellis' speech)

and big brother Chad Hunag from 彰化!! (for Albert's advanced speech)


They are all senior and experience members in Toastmasters, you'll 

learn a lot from them.


All in all, Toasmtasters is not a English club, but a learning  enviroment,

we practice here and learn from others in positive way, 

"Learning by doing" is the spirit in Toastmasters!!


Welcome to paritcipate our regular meeting, see you in the meeting room!!

2012.09.14 regular meeting agenda


Eddie Yu

President  of Chungli Toastmasters Club



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    中壢英語國際演講會 Chungli Toastmasters Club

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