
August 14, 2009. A funny and full of laughing meeting has made in ChungLi TM.

Toastmasters 的吸引力是無遠弗屆的. Why? Our guests 涵蓋了Yuanlin, NCU and HsinChu.

We deeply appreciated for your attending that made our meeting more warm and more funny.

(expecial thanks to Sabrina, Gary , Justin, Cody and Oxford)


Acting-president was the shining star of ChungLi-Orson Hsu, he was the best fire fighter,

計劃永遠趕不上變化阿! Sunday 原本自告奮勇要接下當日的acting-president, 誰料到天不從人願.遲到的我.又這ㄇ拜託了Albert,

在最後一刻,我們的正義勇士Orson就這ㄇ給他上了.感恩阿! You have done a excellent job,Orson><


自信滿滿.不疾不徐是每回Amy take assignment 所展現的模樣.這回也不例外.

把每個Session 都結合了mastertopic做了最適當的介紹.

而且融合了formal, semi-formal and entertaining. 代替小胖老師給妳五分><



Due to Ah-counter Eddie couldn’t attend the meeting on time, so the HOT SEAT became our spicy woman-Katie. 


Nina prepared her own cursive draft when she being timer. I was seating beside her,
這漂亮清晰又流利的英文草寫真是 attractively.

One of the most relaxing moment was Joke session which was conducted by teacher Jeff(還帶了愛心小手呢!).

Oxford, Brad, Amy and Emily donated their jokes, especially Emily prepared visual aids to let us know more easily. what a touching girl.

Thomas is one of the rising stars in ChungLi TM. He is going to deliver the same speech with more power and preparation next time. Practice makes perfect. Cheer up!Thomas.


Ryan is talented speaker, he has done a very successful speech again. (Learning form swimming) As Amy said,

it could be better if Ryan delivering the speech with swimming suit. As well as show us his strong muscle. (Ryan emphasized about it)


有些事情,你若無身入其境.那爆笑場面是很難體會的…A brief funny interlude has made while Diana was delivering her speech. That’s the phone rings that provided by Oxford’s (背景音樂:哈利路亞.哈利路亞).

It’s a pity that she has been married. you know,我們的Diana不但會烘烤蛋糕餅乾.這次更讓我們大開眼界.

秀了幾個上面有她畫作的瓷盤.讓大家讚嘆不已.簡直是小畫家兼魔術筆. 請讓我們拜妳為師.


At 8:10 p.m. We then moved on to Table topic session, which was conducted by baby-sister Brad.

薑是老的辣. Brad 準備的題目不但多樣,口味也很重.連筆者都忍不住捏了一把冷汗. 但我們還意猶未盡.期待下一回.


We all got benefits from the shooting star-Chad, as GE, he point out each master,

and gave the prompt feedback immediately.


Being evaluator, Iris 越來越老神在在了, it was a great phenomenon. Keep going Iris.

Our shining star Orson provided meaningful suggestion for Ryan.

Justin is one of the person, who is good at body language. From him, you can see young, vivid, and power,

it was our big honor to having him.


Albert has also provided informative remarks as LE, remember the pronunciation-audience.


It was a wonderful and harmony meeting.

By the way, 我的結論是:ChungLi TM有四位老師可以幫我們開課喔!


Teacher Jeff: 幽默感的培養(Katie & Sunday可以當助教)&櫻花的栽種

Teacher Ryan: Swimming class.

Teacher Diana: 如何成為更有魅力的女人

Teacher Nina: 律動課&英文草寫教學


也想感受這歡樂的氣氛嗎?Meet us on August 28.

We look forward to seeing all of you .Let’s learn & fun together.






Your sincerely,





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