ChungLi Toastmasters was established in August 1 , 1993.  We are sixteen years old. > <  We are nineteenth TM in Taiwan.
Our headquater is in America. In October, the
non-profit organization celebrated 85 years of helping people improve their communication and leakership skills providing where millions of man and women have taken
steps toward better lives.
What  happened in the  meeting on April 23, 2010? Let's summarize it.
The first part of toastmaster of the evening was Orson, congratulate him first for he will be the EMBA student of YZU very soon. good boy !
His performancfe of serving as TME was  indescribable, he always can interact with audience very naturly. Bravo!
Second part's TME was Sunday, she arrived lately. just like Julian mantioned that before, laughter,,,,,,,but it has a lot for improvement.
people should be put on the right position. yes, cheers !
Our new blood Dranking was in charge of keep track of the time. and professional speaker Jeff was ah counter. They both did their duty well .
We had five parts on that night. Inclouding the exciting moment-Induction Ceremony for welcome our Best new member -Bonnie Lo and Tri member -Gary Chen.
From now on, Gary Chen is belong to NTOU, NCU and ChungLi three clubs.
Later on, our Best Session Master- Emily prepared creative Varity Session was funny and carzy. Bravo !
Table Topics Session , we had the most 年輕有為. 內外兼俱的 president of NCU-Oxford 來擔任. 他臨時想的題目讓台下某位不具名人士聽的是皮皮挫.
但來自YZU的Michelle 和 president Julia 以及Bonnie 可都有讚不絕口的表現呢!   Bravo !
Let's move on Speech and Evaluation Moment.
C1: Kate, 台風穩健. 真情流露. 又一枚新勢力即將在中壢誕生.....Bravo!     Iris 身兼妳的Mentor and Evaluator, 也給予極高度的肯定喔!
C8: Our Best speaker was president James, no doubt, 咱的president 這次是有備而來. How do you think of Perfect Retirement? 演說的同時.
      James 也讓我們知道了很難相信的事實. 生育率降低. 連萬華年代久遠的老松國小學生數都從10000人變成788人了.
      唉呦真憂心! Chad & Amy, Albert & Eunice 你們要加油阿!      Evaluator Orson 這回出馬not only 出一張嘴. but also gave James useful proposal.
A9: Kevin Lin from NCU. 何德何能. we can have VIP speaker Kevin visit our club and gave a speeh. He is going to get ACB award and he is try very hard to do so.
      That's  waht we should learn.    Best evaluator -Albert was also gave feedback in his point of view. Bravo !
GE-Julian 非常流暢的發表對本次meeting 的 feeling 和對日後 meeting 的期望. 我們的Julian 可是越來越有大將之风了呢! what's more ?
      Please speake English in the meeting. Yes sir !
See you all on May 14, 2010   
ChungLi TM

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