目前分類:Promotion (36)

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Dear all:
How are you today?

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Dear Chungli  members and friends:

   We are going to have a fun meeting on Nov.12. Of course, We need your support as usual

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Dear fellow members and guests:
Chungli club will have a wonderful meeting on this Friday (10/22)

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Hello dear Toastmasters friends,,,

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Hello dear Toastmasters friends,,,

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What Happened at ChungLi Toastmasters Club on Sep 10??? Let's see,,,


It was a Regular Meeting that night. Special thanks our HOT SEAT- James beingThe TME.

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Welcome to attend the meeting on Sep 10

Hello dear fellow members and friends…

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Hello dear fellow members and friends…
ChungLi TM Club would like to invite all of you to come to our meeting on this Friday night. Sep 10 at 7:00p.m.-9:00p.m. at 凡是美藝廊(中壢市裕民街18號2樓).

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Dear fellow members and guests: 

How are you today?

I am Iris Huang, the president of Chungli Toastmasters club, I am going to inform that our next meeting place will be in Chung Yuan Christian University. 

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Dear fellow members:


How are you today?

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In-house Contest ...You must be try it.
If you are Toastmasters, you'll definitely agree with me. Aren't you?

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呼吸一口,咱們的In-house Contest告一段落.謝謝Judge Team(Louis Fu,Hecate Lai,Kevin Lin , Eric Chen and Chad Huang)的寶貴建議及臨時跳出來的Contestant-Amy(You are my super idol) and Orson(your came out was surprising)的熱情參予.
還有,我還記得,,,,,,Louis,,,you promise me that you are going to be the contestant nextyear.  YA,,,,,, keep your word. that's our secret.

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What's our agenda??

How to join us ?

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各位members & guests,
在我們的God Brother - Louis極力推薦下,

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Dear Fellows,

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