Date: Oct. 3, 2008

Title: The man we respect

Speaker: Chad Huang, ACB, CL

Project No. : A12

Advance Manual: Occasion Speeches - Speaking in Phraise



Family members of Mr. Ma, ladies and Gentleman. Today we sit here together on a Saturday morning is for the same reason –To remember our beloved friend, Jerry Ma and say goodbye to this forever young man.  


Jerry was a man who enjoyed life’s beauty and added colors to his life.  He was the one teaching us like a mentor, joking with us like a close friend and playing with us like a child. Laughter and wisdom always accompanied him wherever he went   People enjoyed being with him.


With 26 years Toastmasters membership since 1980, Jerry had dedicated himself to this organization and successfully chartered many clubs.  Not to mention how many people were inspired by his encouraging words, which led them to a happy life.

No matter what, Jerry was always supportive to members who gave speeches. He always said positive words to encourage them to continue.  However sometimes in his evaluation, he played a naughty game. We usually followed the candy theory: KISS, KICK, KISS.  But, he always said KISS, KICK, then KILL. Then, you would see a naughty smile on his face. That was followed by everyone’s laughter in the whole meeting room.  But, he still could bring it back to the serious part.  Kelly remembers he said: “there is no perfect speech in meetings. The perfect speech only happens on your way home.”  There is always some room for improvement and it’s always good to listen to other’s evaluation. On one hand, he encouraged you to move forward. On the other hand, he mentioned the spirit of self-reflection.


Serving as A4 Governor from 1989 to 1995, in these 5 years, Jerry helped build the Taoyuan, ChungLi and Hsinchu clubs, as well as many other language clubs.  He said “I go to Sampo clubs on Monday, Mandarin club on Tuesday, Taiwanese club on Wednesday, Bilingual club on Thursday, and come to Chungli club on Friday.”  And on weekends, he went to a dancing club and bible study class.  He was so busy, but he enjoyed his life.   So people here in Taoyuan area call him “the God Father”.  There is no question about that


The source of his power and inspiration was his interest in everything. One of our members, Elaine, said “she remembers how Jerry was so interested in leaning things because his mind was always open to new ideas.  In his upper pocket, he has one small booklet attached with one pen which looked very old from outside. However, on the inside were a lot of beautiful sentences and words.  Whenever he heard golden words or funny stories, he took out this Treasure Box and put them in.


In school, he encouraged students to stand on stage to give presentations and trained them to evaluate each other.  In daily life, he brought his friends to Toastmasters club. Because in his mind, to spread happiness in a learning group with everybody was the most enjoyable thing in his life.


Many members around Taiwan, including you and me, said we received a lot from Jerry’s concrete supports in both actions and words. And they were shocked and sad to hear he has said goodbye to everybody.  But, what we shall do is to take over his spirit and spread it over to the circle of our lives.  Since we have benefited from others for ages, why don’t we stand up to become the givers? Ladies and Gentlemen, just like what Jerry said in his Inaugural Speech of District Governor in 1998, Toastmasters is a land of opportunity, which is available to everyone. Toastmasters is a door, open to all individuals.  If, at his age he could say he was the youngest in the club, who can say he is too old to move and too late to start?  If Jerry could spread out his influential power to so many people and enjoy every minute of his life including the last minute of that in dancing, why can’t we add more colors in our lives in the same way?  Let us salute our forever mentor and follow his spirit and example. And put him in our memory forever.               Toastmasters


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C3  Get to the point
Topic: Strangers are not strange       
Speaker: Rex

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C2 –Organize Your Speech

Topic: We are family                             Iris 2008/10/03


Good evening, fellow members and guests,

It’s my honor to delivery my C2 speech “We are family”. I would like to share some stories about my lovely dog, Lucky.

First of all, let me show you a video (time:30 seconds)


12 years ago, a summer afternoon, my parents took a dog from my grandmother’s home. At first sight, Lucky looked like a stupid dog, because my grandmother’s home was in the countryside, Lucky was curious about everything in the new environment, for example, we remembered that he sat in front of the television and paid attention to watch it and listened to the sounds for a while. He was scared to cross the road because he’d never seen many people or cars on streets before, In order to be familiar with the new environment; my father took him for a walk every day.


Actually, Lucky was a smart and warm dog and although he couldn’t speak, we talked to him by using body language or eye contact and he knew exactly what we meant. For example every Sunday was his shower time, my father would point to the bathroom and said: “Hey, Lucky, it’s time to take a shower” he immediately stood up and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, he liked to take a rest in front of the house and then enjoyed his sunbathing.


In Chinese New Year, my brother and I always gave Lucky a red envelope and tied it around his neck. Until last year, we created a special style for him. As you can see from the photo that Lucky wore a blue scarf and he looked like a “country girl”. We thought he knew that we made some changes in his appearance, because he was scared to move, and just stood there for a while.  We felt excited and took some photos and said: “Lucky, you are so cute, it’s your new style in this Chinese New Year”


Every day, when we went back to our sweet home, Lucky always shook his tail to welcome us. It was the most important and happy time for our family;

Unfortunately, Lucky ran away from home this year and never returned. He was 12 years old; it was equal to being 84 years of age in human years. We believed that he didn’t let us worry about him and he found a good place to rest.


Recently, there was a movie about dogs" 10 promises to my dog", there is a sentence that I totally agree with “For dogs, there are 10 years to live, human beings should treat them with more kindness and love.” Our family doesn’t intend to raise a new dog in the short term, because we still think Lucky is alive in our memory.


If people have the ability and money to raise pets I hope you can treat them with love, if not, when you see dogs, cats or any other pets, you can just say: “How cute you are and walk away, that will be fine.”


Finally, I want to say: " Lucky, thanks for being with us for 12 years, and we will cherish everything about you."


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Dear All,










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Dear members and guests,

Although ChungLi club encounters a big problem of lacking of a fixed place to hold the meeting, we still successfully completed one more regular meeting in last evening under Sandy's help. Sandy is the faculty of CYCU. She gave us a wonderful meeting room with sufficient electric equipments. So, Two of the speakers can use the projector to finish their speeches. That was fantastic!

 Now, let's review the meeting of last evening.

 首先,是我們的搞笑天王Orson上場。首次擔綱Variety Session Master的Orson為我們帶來"When I think OOO, I would say XXX." XXX must be related to OOO. For example, when I think "English", I would say "Toastmasters". That was really a good warm-up activity, because everyone got involved. I personally think the most creative answer came from our Treasurer - Sunday! 現在為你重播現場:

 Jamie: "When I think baseball, I would say Joe Torre" (聽到Joe Torre,現場馬上一片驚呼)而下一個換到Iris,Orson馬上很緊張Iris知道Joe Torre是誰嗎?沒想到Iris接口:"When I think Joe Torre, I would say Coach." 正當我覺得非常困難再接下去的時後,Sunday毫不考慮就說出:"When I think Coach, I would say Chanel." 當我還在想Sunday誤把Coach(教練)當成品牌時,才突然驚覺……That was really a high-level answer.(現場響起一陣不絕於耳的掌聲與笑聲),Sunday妳真是太厲害了, 不愧是在品牌世界中打滾的小孩喔!反正接下來就是一整個名牌大考驗,Kelly說了Prada,之後還有Timberland出現,真是太有趣了! 唯一覺得有待改善的就是,大家的節奏感似乎不太好耶,Albert啊~什麼時候再辦卡拉OK聚會啊???

 暖身運動之後,正式進入Prepared Speech Session,這一次一共有四個Speakers喔,感覺非常欣慰,因為我們又慢慢的回復到四個speaker的正常水準。首先上場的是Iris的C2—"We are family."當然不是幫某銀行打廣告啦,是在說她們家的愛犬Lucky的故事。其中我最喜歡帶著藍色圍巾的Lucky,不知道為什麼一直讓我聯想到開喜婆婆的畫面,希望Iris及Lucky不要介意!

 再來就是讓我們驚為"天然"的speaker - Rex!Rex每做一次speech,整個speaking skills就大幅提昇,看在我眼裡實在是覺得:"傑克,這真是太神奇了!"不過這是真的!繼上次我們的哲學家Louis為我們講解何謂天然、何謂自然之後,我還一頭霧煞煞,直到看完Rex的表演後方恍然大悟(余資質駑鈍,乃屬後知後覺者),Rex的表演看起來雖屬天然,但是實際上卻是苦背、苦練之下才有的自然,加上如俗語所說,一個成功的演講者背後必有一個非常優秀的指導者,方能指引speaker如此進步神速!而Rex的"Strangers are not strange"在結構性與故事性都安排的非常好,加上淺詞用字非常優美,讓我真是為Rex感到非常驕傲!只可惜幕後的關鍵人物BRUCE並沒有前來,這是唯一讓我覺得惋惜的地方!(哎,我說Chad老兄你應該好好欣賞Rex的speech,這樣你就會知道為什麼The best speaker是Rex了……畢竟除了吸引人的內容主題外,整個speech表達過程中的一舉手一投足所散發出的吸引力都是關鍵啊!)

 而第三個speaker - Julian也是有在進步中喔!他不但符合了speech project "The Body Speaks"、在整個演講內容加入許多的肢體動作語言(對於一個演講者來說,能夠自然地在演講過程加入body language可是一大突破),並且讓我們瞭解到如何挑選適合自己的腳踏車!而且因為事前不知道此次會議地點是否有投影機,所以Julian還細心的幫大家準備書面資料,真是設想周到哩!尤其我最喜歡Julain的結語:Human's energy decides the bike speed. 真是非常給它POWERFUL喔!

 最後一個演講者Chad為我們帶來我們最懷念的人- Jerry Ma。Jerry Ma雖然已經離開我們兩年多了,但是藉由Chad的speech,我彷彿又看到永遠懷有赤子之心的Jerry又在我的心中重新活過來,他的幽默感常和Eva互相呼應,讓整個meeting room充滿笑聲,加上他的智者風範,帶領許多junior members慢慢成長茁壯(我就是其中一個),在此時,我又想起來,他老人家最喜歡吃侷烤,每次2nd round如果餐廳有販售侷烤,他必定點侷烤!每年過年就會邀大家去他家pot luck及唱卡拉OK,他會下水餃給大家吃……他的點點滴滴真是花上三天三夜也說不完,謝謝Chad為我們帶來這個主題,而這完全就像Chad所下的標題一樣:"The man we respect". Jerry~ we all miss you....

 在休息過後呢,我們美麗的Kelly為我們主持Table Topics Session,這一次Kelly準備了兩個題目,第一個是有關颱風,第二個是有關個人職業的影響力!雖然第二個題目有點嚴肅及困難,但是我覺得是一個非常好的訓練大家思考的題目(據Kelly說這是來自GRE的題目),基本上我個人是非常喜歡Table Topics,雖然非常緊張刺激,有時候被叫到名字時真的是腦中一片空白,希望叫到的名字不是我,不過呢,這才是真正腳踏實地的訓練即時反應力的最好方法。我非常鼓勵大家,在Table Topics Session中主動舉手發言,畢竟大家都付一樣的費用,要讓你付出的member fee有最好的經濟效益就是:積極參加(get involved)!

 最後,是讓人振奮的消息,在會後有四位guests表示要加入Toastmasters!哇~四位耶,對我來說,真是個天文數字!所以下一次meeting呢,我們要為Katie、James、Emily及Winnie舉辦Induction Ceremony,請大家要一同來共襄盛舉,而且啊,我們的新秀James已經摩拳擦掌要在下一次meeting做The Ice Breaker(自我介紹),真是太強了!而我也非常樂見我們中壢英語演講會越來越興盛,越來越強(這時,我的腦海中又開始浮現在Div E Outing時,Orson為我們設計的社呼~~)!

 各位夥伴們,謝謝你們的熱情參與,讓我們的regular meeting順利圓滿完成!

 The Best Variety Speaker: Sunday Lin

The Best Speaker: Rex Chen

The Best Table Topics: Brad Wu

The Best Evaluator: Amy Shen

The Best Session Master: Orson Hsu

 (The Best friend of ChungLi Club: Henson)



Div E Contest將在10/18(六)下午於清華大學舉辦,我們將會一起搭車前往為我們的代表Orson及Brad加油!只要你是付費會員,Club會為你出$100的入場費,除了有精彩的表演可看,有可口的點心可用,還可以認識更多的Toastmasters喔! 

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Dear members and guests,


Have you ever stood for two hours to attend a meeting?


In last meeting of in-house contest, Chungli Toastmasters club had a full house. There were more than 34 people sitting in a small meeting room. Therefore, some members had to stand along the wall to attend the meeting. And I was one of them. Even though I had stood for two hours, I felt great until right now!


首先感謝我們在中原大學的最大樁腳──Ken,幫我們在校園內大肆的宣傳、拉來一大票的狐群狗黨,噢,不是,是酒肉朋友…Oh, No,應該是情義相挺的同學&朋友&社友,讓更多中原大學的學生能夠認識中壢英語演講會,再加上一些之前在網路上知道中壢演講會的朋友在幾次email、電話聯繫中,也前來捧場,讓我們整個會議室大爆滿,更讓進會議室的每一個member都覺得既驚又喜,因為好久沒有這麼熱鬧過了!


再來要感謝我們的公關長Julian及林口分會Henson,緊急幫我們去借椅子,至少讓guests不必罰站。說到這個Henson真的是非常好用耶,又會說笑話又肯犧牲色相,緊急時又會到處幫忙張羅(果真不用人家教啊),是不是應該鼓催他成為我們的dual member啊?!


最後要感謝第一次擔綱Contest ChairChadChief JudgeAlbert,因為他們往年參加Contest也都是當contestants,不過不同階段應該有不同的挑戰,所以這次特地邀請他們擔任主持人與總裁判,磨練一下主持比賽的技巧。也很感謝他們的配合,並在許多guests都還不瞭解Toastmasters是蝦米碗糕的情況下,一邊舉行比賽、一邊為大家介紹Toastmasters的性質與比賽規則,多方兼顧,展現出一個好的主持人的風範,值得大家拍拍手!




在幽默演講比賽(Humorous Contest)部分,OrsonC1)、SundayC2)及KenC2)都表現得可圈可點,尤其他們都只是非常非常juniormembers喔!所以呢,千萬不要自我設限,比賽本來就是自我挑戰的過程。有關於Orson,我覺得他把自己模仿表演的專長融入speech內容,這是非常高竿的作法,因為這是別人模仿不來的!至於Sunday,我不得不洋洋得意,因為她的表現真是讓我這個mentor大大的臉上有光(雖然我什麼忙都沒幫上),據我私下問Sunday表現得這麼好的關鍵就在於『Practice』,所以還是那句經典名言:「Practice Makes Perfect.」最後就是我們的樁腳Ken上場,到2nd round時,我才知道原來那位傳說中的摩天輪上的蠟燭小姐也來了耶,果真是愛情力量大,因為有她的加持,讓我們的Ken能夠成為最後壓軸的speaker


而至於即席講評比賽(Evaluation contest),更要感謝BradJadeHua-hsuan。相對於前面三個演講參賽者,講評比賽本來就很難事先準備,雖然比賽前可以閒閒沒事做,但是真正比賽時,那種心跳可以跳到兩百下的經驗我可是嘗了好幾遍,因為聽完演講後,到外面準備五分鐘後就得立即上場,所以自願第一個上場的Hua-hsuan,我不得不說妳的心臟有夠強!而Brad的內容非常有料,讓我覺得你是站在置高點在評論整個speech,連fluctuation這種觀點都可以躍上你的評論內容,我不得不豎起大拇指:Boss~You are really good!最後是Jade,沒有妳的評論,我還不知道有人可以跟我感同身受,充斥在喀喀喀””刷刷刷””滋滋滋及打呼聲中,我們都需要Think it Positively!


最後當然要感謝我們那些PRO級的JudgesLouisJoshSunnyJasonJamie,因為你們的評論,讓我們每個人有更多的收穫,也能夠藉由建設性的回饋,幫助我們的晉級比賽者:OrsonBrad有更好的方向來準備Divison E的比賽!(到時候大家要一起去參加Divison E Contest,為他們加油啊~~)


最後當然不忘感謝所有貴賓們的熱情參與,還有謝謝老朋友前來捧場:永遠的Best Joker Teller──Jason、永遠的老朋友Moony,還有一樣光鮮動人的Kelly,因為有你們的參與,讓中壢英語演講會更好!Meeting Adjourned.

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Dear All,
原本預定要在9/12晚 上場的演講,因為颱風來插花,所以沒上場,不過先把稿子上傳給大家先睹為快。  確定延期至何時,我會在那之前做好充份的準備,以不辜負Elaine 替為修改的文法、用法。     常在想Eliane 真的是為熱心又有愛心的 會員,即使已經離開台灣,回美國,甚至現在去了韓國,都還是心念著中壢演講會的朋友,真是感動。 每次都主動要求看我的演講稿,要幫我修飾。  真是太感謝了,有位美藉的英文教授幫我修改文法,真是位超級的 mentor.     希望各位member 也可以常與Eliane 保持聯絡,她會很熱心幫各位的。
 我 發現除了文法有很多錯誤外,英文用法還須要多學學英文母語的人。

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Hellow fello members,
As I know, a lot of members are the loyal reader for Toastmasters monthly magazine, even they do not have time to come to regular meetings.
But, they read front first page to the last page.  

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這一天晚上,我們相約鎮記麻辣鍋,準備大快朵頤!出席者:Eunice、Albert、Hua-Hsuan、Jeff、Kelly、Amy & Chad。由圖中可以判斷出誰是愛吃鬼,連拍照都捨不得放下碗筷,還有一個人迫不及待要撈老油條……就是我本人啦


飯後當然要來點娛樂,殺到Albert & Eunice的新家,享用他們的KTV設備!首先上場的就是Chad & Albert,這兩個人都很會唱歌喔!



Kelly原本說要來"聽歌"的,不過還是很夠意思的唱了幾首,倒是Jeff的表現有點小害羞喔!(Jeff說以後meeting有什麼類似Albert要Toast to Eunice這種大條的代誌要事先告知他一聲,他也要來參加,GREAT~we got it)










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